

Ananda College Old Boys’ Association

Member Login

The Old Boys’ Association of Ananda College (ACOBA) is delighted to welcome you on board as an active member, in order to contribute directly and positively for the betterment of the alma mater!

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Furthermore, we are pleased to introduce to you the Old Anandians’ Network (OAN) – a web-based member management portal created by the IT, Mass Media & Communication-Sub Committee of the ACOBA. This allows all Old Anandians to effectively interact and engage with each other.

Once you obtain the membership of the ACOBA, you will receive a link to your personal email address. You can simply click on the link, follow the instructions and access your own profile in the OAN. You can also upload photographs of yourself from school days as well as current photographs, so that your colleagues are able to easily recognize you.

I am a member and I did not receive the link

The OAN will be specially useful for Affiliated Groups to manage information of their members in an efficient and user-friendly manner. To make this a smooth-running process, each Affiliated Group must appoint a moderator, who will be responsible to update details of the member profiles and approve member requests, to tag them under the respective group.

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not a member

(When someone clicks on this, they are directed here)

Here’s how you can apply for your ACOBA Membership:

  1. Collect a Membership Application Form from the ACOBA Office.

You can also download the Membership Application Form by clicking below.

  1. Fill the Membership Application Form. Make sure to enter an email address that you are currently using, in order to receive the link to access your OAN profile.
  2. Get recommendations from two Old Anandians.
  3. Hand over the duly filled Membership Application Form to the ACOBA Office with a passport sized photograph of yourself, photocopies of your character and leaving certificates along with the fee mentioned in the form.
  4. ACOBA will contact you once your admission has been confirmed. You will receive an email confirmation with your ACOBA membership number.

Kindly note that you will not receive the membership card immediately

I am a member and I did not receive the link

(When someone clicks on this, they are directed here)

The email with the link to access your OAN profile is sent to the personal email address, with which you registered when applying for the ACOBA Membership. However, if that email address requires to be updated or is invalid, kindly get it updated by emailing the ACOBA Office via manager@anandacollegeoba.org