
83 Group Donates to Aranthalawa Temple

83 Group Donates to Aranthalawa Temple

The pandemic situation has worsened the situation of rural areas more than that of urban areas. Understanding this situation, the Old Anandians’ 83 Group has decided to relieve Aranthalawa temple in Ampara district, where 25 monks were massacred during the LTTE era.

This project was initiated upon a request made by DIG Seneviratne of the 83 Group, who is presently the DIG in Ampara District as the temple was not receiving dana from the surrounding villages as usual. The group members decided to take up the challenge of collecting donations from its group members residing locally and overseas and purchased food, dry rations, dairy items, stationery, medical items, robes and Atapirikara. The total value of the items exceeded Rs.150,000. The items were handed over to Aranthalawa temple on 15th August 2021 by the Past President Mr. Susil Perera.

As the second phase of the donations to Aranthalawa temple, Old Anandians’ 83 Group performed an alms giving, in remembrance of the 83 Group members and beloved late wives of the Group members, spending over Rs.60,000. This activity was carried out on 22nd August 2021, exactly after 7 days from the day the Group donated dry rations, food and other essentials to the same temple.