14 Jun 2008 Group’s “අනඳ ශක්ති” becomes a “ශක්ති” to LRH
Many affiliated groups of Ananda College Old Boys’ Association (ACOBA) have identified the needs of various hospitals during the pandemic situation of the country and assisted those hospitals to carry out their Covid-19 treatments effectively. The 2008 Group, through its “අනඳ ශක්ති” Community Service Program, decided to strengthen the Lady Ridgeway Hospital.
The Old Anandians 2008 Group had taken the initiative to donate essential equipment and items to the COVID-19 Isolation Ward that was recently set up at the Lady Ridgeway Hospital in Colombo, on the 14th of June 2021.
This project was carried out by the Old Anandians 2008 Group as part of their “Ananda Shakthi” Community Service Programme, with the support of Donors.